Maintaining your quality purchase will repay you by keeping its beauty for many years.
- Vacuum regularly. Frequent vacuuming is a carpet's best friend. In most cases, a suction only canister vacuum is best to prevent excess pilling and fuzzing. However, if this type is not available, set vacuum so that the brush is furthest away from the surface of the carpet.
- Remove spills immediately.
- Professionally clean annually. Do not apply stain repellent treatments that contain silicone because they tend to accelerate carpet soiling.
- Keep doormats clean. Exercise preventative maintenance by placing absorbent mats at the most frequently used entrances to your home. Change or launder when these mats become soiled.
- The vacuum cleaner dust bag should be changed when half full.
- Filters in your heating and air conditioning systems should be changed regularly.
One of the most crucial areas of carpet maintenance is removal of spots and spills. Acting quickly when anything is spilled or dropped, and always having the necessary cleaning materials at hand are of the utmost importance.
Immediately blot (do not rub) spills with white paper towels or with a clean absorbent cloth. Scoop up solids.
All cleaning agents and solvents should be Ph neutral; pre-test should be done in an inconspicuous area.
Apply the cleaning agent listed on the spot removal chart (below) to an absorbent towel and begin to blot up the spill with a blotting motion. Flip cloth to prevent reapplying soil.
Do not over saturate with water.
Work inwards from the edge of the spot to prevent excess spreading.
Wait a few minutes for the cleaning agent to work on the spot. Follow recommended directions.
Once the cleaning agent has removed the spot, blot excessive moisture by applying pressure with paper towels or a dry absorbent cloth.
Rinse with clear water on a clean cloth.
Remove excess moisture by applying pressure with paper towels
- Dry cleaning systems such as Capture®; Host®; Dri-Mate®; Wool Clean by Wools of New Zealand and Chem-Dry
- Truck-Mounted steam extraction is acceptable for tackless wall to wall installations. We do not recommend steam cleaning for loose lay rugs
- We do not recommend any portable units; nor any Bonnet systems or Rug Doctor systems